Thursday, February 28, 2013

Happy Chap Goh Mei

Today is the 15th day of Lunar New Year. Today we called Chap Goh Mei in hokkien, Yuan Shiao Jie in Manderin & Yun Siu Festival in Cantonese. Doesn't matter what dialect its name, it's mark the last day of new year celebration.

Some people celebrated with prayers and offering, followed by a gathering dinner. Some people joining the throwing 'kam' (manderin oranges) into river. Erm.. the gals will write their name and contact number on the oranges and throw it into the river, while the guys ride in a boat and collecting it. The purpose is finding your another half, so the participants are single I supposed. How's effective this activity, I don't know because never joined before. haha. Some people may treat it just as another normal day, like me. And so happened it fall on Sunday, which is a wonderful resting day for me.

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