Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Pleasant Surprise - Rabbit Thumb Drive

Yesterday got a message from Jasmine, in the sms I can feel her happiness that she found the rabbit thumb drive. She said she wanted to get for me long ago, and she found it finally!
The first time I saw this rabbit thumb drive when Jasmine wanted me to help her sort out her husband travel expenses. Besides she passed me a pile of bills and a new thumb drive, it is a Rabbit. So cute! I told her I want it also, and asked where did she buy it? She said is her husband bought it and she will check with her husband. Who knows, she really look it for me and very disappointedly told me that the thumb drive was sold off.
I just go with the flow, because I'd never expected to get the thumb drive from Jasmine, I thought of to buy for myself. Even so, I am not seriously to look for it.
Then yesterday, the last day of July, got the sms and Jasmine has never forgotten to get it once she has set up her mind! When she saw the rabbit thumb drive, she immediately bought it for me.

Thank you so much, Jasmine. You are really are a big sister to me, so lovely and caring.

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